I have a couple stories in mind about last week. While both are related, they are meaningful in much different ways.
For those of us who have trouble keeping track of what day it is, let alone what month, it should be noted we recently started a new year.
We continue to sit in the aftereffects of Winter Storm Blair. Last week’s snow burst reportedly dropped somewhere between 12 and 18 inches of snow locally, however when we retell the story in a few years it will likely be more like 19 feet of snow with temperatures approaching absolute zero and wind drifts the size of small mountains.
Like virtually everybody else, the weather has been in the forefront of my mind. It started Saturday morning as we pulled out of our garage with snowflakes starting to fall.
Making a personal list of the “big events” of a certain year can sometimes be challenging, but 2024’s list is very simple for me. I got married.
I sort of feel like I am in a wrinkle of the time-space continuum. I don’t really know what the time-space continuum is, but it is something they talk about on “Star Trek” and whenever they do it means something isn’t right with a timeline.
Amazingly enough, we have once again reached Christmas. Some years the days and weeks leading up to holiday seem especially joyous and festive.
I did not know Miles Humbird. Having written some sports in recent years, I was familiar with the family, however I never had the opportunity to meet the young man.
I have been following closely the local postseason football scene. Although sports is now the primary purview of Jimmy Gillispie, I still like to take notice as I did spend the better part of four decades writing sports in one form or another.
Thanksgiving has always been a special day, and with just a few exceptions, one of the best days of the year. There is no doubt in my mind the reason most of my memories are special is because of the closeness of my family.
There is no doubt things are going to be different. Just a few weeks ago we were looking ahead with a mix of excitement and apprehension. We were facing a change that was going to leave many angry and upset and others pleased with what the coming weeks would bring.
Apparently there is no fact too insignificant to find on the internet. Also, apparently, there is no fact so insignificant that some public relations agency doesn’t send out meaningless information to newspapers heralding the facts they have compiled.
Each year, my mother’s clan would gather in Clinton for a get together. Clinton was chosen as the spot for the reunion because it was somewhat of a midway point for us city relatives and those from the country, who lived down around Wheatland and Cross Timbers.
Ah, October 31: Halloween; All Hallow’s Eve; All Saints Day Eve; the Ghost Festival. It has all kinds of names, but mostly I remember it growing up as the night I could indulge in pounds of sugary confections with little fear of getting in trouble.
Along with voting for candidates for various offices, Missouri voters will be asked to decide six questions on the Nov. 5 ballot.
I remember running into an old high school friend a few years after graduation. I asked him what was new and he said, “Nothing really.” Then he added, “I am getting married.” I was kind of perplexed as I thought getting married should rank a tad higher than nothing really.
The past few weeks have certainly been exciting. We are in the midst of festival season and so far Mother Nature has provided us with terrific weather to enjoy the events.
Time is such a strange thing, although, if nothing else, it is consistent. We have clocks that measure seconds, minutes and hours. We have calendars which measure days, weeks and years. We know what …
This is a movie I would highly recommend although I left with three distinct thoughts about the historical biopic.
I think I have made it clear how much I love to travel. I love seeing big cities, rural areas, tourist traps and areas off the beaten path. I love the mountains; I love the beach. I love just going places and seeing things.
Historically, Harrisonville has a reputation of being a hard place for builders to do business. Whether it is residential or commercial properties, the list of projects that have been killed or over-regulated is lengthy.
It took me until the very end of the summer, but I finally completed a task that has been haunting me for nearly a year: I finally saw a baseball game while I was on a baseball trip.
I remember a couple years back a banner at a local high school football game proclaimed something to the effect of “There are two seasons: football season and getting ready for football season.”
On Monday, as I was driving to work, I saw some kids standing by the street waiting for their buses on the first day of school. These were young ones, a couple with mom nearby, and you could see the eagerness and excitement in those kid’s eyes.
I can’t speak for other places, but I will say with some confidence that after watching the procedures in Cass County last week, I feel pretty confident that the safeguards in place seem to make our elections about as secure as possible.